Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mrs Wordsmith Storyteller's Card Game ~ A Timberdoodle Review

I received Storyteller's Card Game from Timberdoodle in exchange for
my honest opinion. The views expressed in this review are my honest opinion. 

Mrs Wordsmith Storyteller's Card Game is one of the many NEW products coming available to Timberdoodle's  website on April 15th! This is a fun new vocabulary game. The game is intended to be played with three or more players. So how do you play? To start out you place all of the story cards face down in a pile in the middle. Someone then deals ten illustrated word cards to each player. Each player takes turns being the Master Storyteller. The first Master Storyteller is the player to the left of the dealer. The Master Storyteller will pick up a story card from the pile of cards in the middle and reads it aloud. For example, Words for... camping in Antarctica. All of the other players each pick one word card from their hand that best fits the story card that the Master Storyteller presented. Players put the card that they chose in the middle with illustrations facing up. On the flip side of each word card is an illustration of the word. On the side that the word is on there is a definition followed by word pairs. For example, for the word, charge v. to run or lunge toward; rushing toward a target as fast as you can. The word pair are suddenly, furiously, and headlong. The picture on the flip side is a beast of some sort charging toward something with a huge log in its arms. The Master Storyteller picks up the pile of word cards and reads each one, before deciding which one fits best with the story card. The player who came the closest to matching the word card to the story card keeps the story card. The first player to collect five story cards wins! There are 200 story card prompt cards and 300 descriptive word cards included in the set. This game is recommended for ages 7 and older. 

Story Cards

Word Cards

There are 6 types of word cards included in the game:
  • action words
  • character words
  • weather words
  • setting words
  • emotion words
  • taste & smell words
In order to have an expressive vocabulary and vivid writing style students have to learn a wide variety of words. This game does just that. Students will learn not only vocabulary but categories that they are associated with. Below I have given examples of all six word cardsThis will help them become better writers. As they play they will soon see the connection between each of the types of word cards and which best fit for each story card

Character Word

Taste & Smell Word

Emotion Word

Action Word

Setting Word

Weather Word

The Master Storyteller drew the story card that said...a ferocious sheep 
the players laid down the following word cards

My 11-year-old daughter thinking. 

We all know that learning vocabulary, especially difficult vocabulary, can be tedious and difficult for students. Mrs Wordsmith's Storyteller's Card Game can make learning these words fun. Not only will the student see the words written but they will see them visually depicted in a way that your child will remember. The game has endless replay value because each time players will be dealt a totally new hand and the Master Storyteller will continually be drawing new and different words. This game would be ideal for a school setting, co-op, or homeschool setting. Our family had a lot of fun playing this game. I would definitely recommend this game to other parents and educators. If you would like to order Mrs Wordsmith Storyteller's Card Game simply click on the link. 


  1. I love this way of turning vocabulary words into a game!

  2. This sounds really interesting - a fun way to learn vocabulary - for all ages!


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