Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Singapore Math Live


Disclaimer:  I received this complimentary product through the 
Homeschool Review Crew.

Singapore Math Live was founded by a homeschool mother who wanted to make Singapore Math more user friendly for homeschool families. Over 1,329 Challenging Word Problem videos will walk your student step-by-step through all of the word problems. Singapore Math curriculum helps students become critical thinkers and problem solvers. Singapore Math Live - Challenging Word Problems is meant to be a supplemental math curriculum. As a parent you set the pace for your child. I reviewed Level 6. Level 6 is broken down into 25 lesson. Each lesson varies from 10 minutes to almost 60 minutes. Most lessons have 10 Challenging Word Problems. Each video where Brenda works the problem range from a bit over 1 minutes to around 4.5 minutes. Students  Primary Mathematics ~ Challenging Word Problems 6 is necessary in order to work through the Level 6 program. The workbook will need to be purchased separately. 

I just have to comment on the amazing price. What you get for $45 is fantastic! You will get a bit over 828 minutes of video time in the 25 lessons of Level 6. 

This is the breakdown of the 25 lessons for Level 6 Challenging Word Problems. The page numbers correspond to the pages where each lesson can be found in the Primary Mathematics Challenging Word Problems. 

On the left hand side the CWP lessons are listed with page numbers. The length of each lesson is also listed for each lesson. Above the workspace in the horizontal blue bar there is a home button, the CWP workbook page numbers, and once your student has completed all of the problems within the lesson a Complete Lesson button can be pressed. Once that is pressed a checkmark on the left hand side will appear for that lesson indicating that the lesson has been completed. 

Once your student has completed the Practice Questions you can check their answers which are found at the back of the book. If any of the problems are incorrect you can then have them listen to the solution video for those particular problems. Some of the problems may have more than on way to find the solution.  

In 10-15 minutes a day your child can easily complete two to three problems. Brenda recommends that your child work on these problems when their brains are fresh and alert. You may have your child work on these problems 5 days a week or only a couple of days each week. You and your child set the pace that is right for them. 

Each lesson in the workbook begins with Worked Examples. This particular lesson is Fractions. The lesson begins with Worked Examples followed by Practice Questions. There are typically about 10-12 Practice Questions. After the Practice Questions there are Challenging Problems that provide the more advanced student with higher level word problems. Again, the student will be given a Worked Example followed by about 10 questions for the student to work through. 

Having never used Singapore Math my daughter did find the problems a bit of a challenge. Story Problems are definitely the weakest area for my daughter. She struggled with Challenging Word Problems 6. I think that jumping into a curriculum that one is unfamiliar with can be somewhat of a challenge. I do think that Singapore Math Live is a great tool to strengthen problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and proficiency in solving multi-step word problems. Singapore Math Live - Challenging Word Problems would also be a great summer enrichment to keep your child's math skills sharp. 
Be sure to read my Fellow Crew Members reviews of the various Levels 1-6.  

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