Thursday, June 2, 2022

Doctor Livingston Jr. 100 Piece Human Body Floor Puzzle

What better way to get your child excited about learning basic human anatomy than putting together a 4 foot tall puzzle. With the Doctor Livingston Jr. Human Body Floor Puzzle you child will get detailed, accurate cross-cut of the entire human body. From the cranium to the phalanges your child will see how bones connect at joints, muscles connect with tendons, arteries, veins, and nerves weave throughout the body, and how each organ fits perfectly in its given space. The human body is truly miraculous. This puzzle is part of  Timberdoodle's 2022 First-Grade Curriculum Kit.

Doctor Livingston Jr. Human Body Floor Puzzle was awarded in the Top 12 in Timberdoodle's Awards for 2021. 

When you open the box you will find the puzzle pieces in a bag. Included in the box is a double sided, laminated Anatomy Reference Guide. The box has a piece of velcro for extra secure closure. 

The front side of the card labeled, The Human Body, labels common parts of the body such as eyes, teeth, brain, and the foot. There are some probably some newer body parts that your child may not be familiar with such as the clavicle, quadriceps muscle, maxilla bone, and the tarsal bones.

On the flip side of the Anatomy Reference Guide is The Human Body Fun Facts. Did you know this about your arm, "When you hit your 'funny bone,' you've smashed a nerve in your elbow against your upper arm bone, which is called the humerus, How humorous!" 

Planning it out. At only 100 pieces this by far is definitely not as challenging as the Dr. Livingston's Anatomy Jigsaw Puzzles ~ Set of 7 that we reviewed back in 2021. That set is geared for the high school age student while this Dr. Livingston Jr. Human Body Floor Puzzle is part of the 1st grade curriculum set. 

The puzzle pieces are fairly large and are thick. They are made for smaller hands to grasp and manipulate as your child finds each interlocking piece placement.  

On the back of the box your child can see what the completed human body figure is supposed to look like once it is completed. 

For the kinesthetic learner this puzzle would be a great hands-on learning activity. If your child tends to have a short attention span or gets too fidgety you can easily put the puzzle together in short spurts.

The box says that the puzzle is four feet in length. My daughter got out our tape measure to see how accurate it was. She thought it looked way too small to be four feet. 

Give or take an inch or so it was very close to the 4 foot mark. I didn't look to see if she had the bottom of the tape measure at the lowest point of the bottom of the completed puzzle so we will call it 4 feet. For most kiddos in early to mid elementary this anatomically correct puzzle will be close to their size. How cool is that! 

The following pictures are close-ups of each section of the completed puzzle. As you can see the detail is fantastic. Your child will get an inside look into the human body without the gory and gross pictures often found in books or the less detailed textbook diagrams. 

Isn't the detail amazing! This puzzle would be a great lead into a unit study or a lap book project on human anatomy. Your child has a wonderful view of the intricate organs, bones, veins, muscles, and so much more that make up their bodies. Even if after completing the puzzle turns into a great discussion time about how different parts of the body work gives your child a deeper understanding of the many parts that have to work together to make their bodies work. 

Here is the completed Dr. Livingston Jr. Human Body Floor Puzzle. The picture truly does not do the puzzle justice. Whether you are purchasing this puzzle as part of the Timberdoodle 2022 First-Grade Curriculum Kit, are looking for a fun resource to add into your current curriculum, or want to provide your child with a fun summer enrichment. 

100 pieces, 4' tall

I would highly recommend this puzzle. It is a great learning tool for early elementary and up and also fun! If you have older children as well you may want to check out the more complex Dr. Livingston's Anatomy Jigsaw Puzzles ~ Set of 7 for the high school level student. This set is very challenging. The link is to the review that I wrote for the Set of 7. 

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