Monday, September 5, 2022

Fox 3D Papercraft Model

This Fox 3D Papercraft Model is a pre-cut, pre-scored for perfect fold cardstock papercraft activity. All pieces have multiple numbers. You will match identical numbers between two of the pre-cut pieces and glue them together. Step by step instructions focus on building select parts of the fox. Eventually you will attach the parts together to create a fox that stands 15.7" and is 9.5" wide. The fox is recommended for ages 12+. 

The Fox 3D Papercraft Model  is part of Timberdoodle's 2022 Twelfth-Grade Curriculum Kit. According. to the manufacturer the difficulty level is ★★★ NORMAL. I have to politely disagree with the manufacturer on this. Maybe it is just my teens and I but we had the most difficult time putting the fox together. Some parts were easier than others. The head was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. We did use tape in some areas to keep sections together. I am beginning to wonder if we were using the wrong glue. I did not even think to go to the manufacturers site to see if they had a recommended glue. They recommend a liquid tacky glue stick or a fast drying glue. They highly recommend Aleene's Tacky Glue. They DO NOT recommend glue sticks or double sided tape. So, then in a fit of frustration I pulled out the Elmer's Extra Strength Spray Adhesive. I sprayed both the inside as well as the outside to insure that the pieces would not come apart. LOL We were all really looking forward to what we thought would be a fun and enjoyable craft but instead it ended up frustrating us more. Even though this was not the most positive experience I would still most definitely purchase another one. I believe that with practice it would become easier. There are 5 difficulty levels: BEGINNER, EASY, NORMAL, CHALLENGING, and LEGENDARY. I children are not interested in doing another one but I am! I may even try the Fox 3D Papercraft Model a second time. Now that I know a bit more about the best glue to use and have had a lot of practice it surely would be much more enjoyable. 

fox /fäks/
1. a carnivorous mammal of the dog family with a pointed muzzle 
and bushy tail, proverbial for its cunning and sly behavior. 


The Fox 3D Papercraft Model has an instruction sheet, white and orange heavy
cardstock that is pre-cut and pre-scored. It also contained a simple, hand sized, red heart papercraft model to practice before starting on the fox. 

The cardstock is 110 lb pearlescent paperboard. The paperboard
is also made of 100% recycled materials. The pre-cut pieces are
easy to punch out and then fold on the pre-scored dotted lines. 
Numbers are displayed for easy matching. 

Each pre-cut piece has a bold letter/number that with other pieces will 
create a section of the fox. It is very helpful that the fox diagram is
colored in to show what each section you will be building. 

There are orange and white pieces. 

The like numbers on two pieces are brought together and glued. This picture 
is what the inside of the fox looks like. This was easy as the pieces were very 
similar and so fit together fast and easy. 

This is after I sprayed this piece with the Elmer's Extra Strength Spray Adhesive.
You can see some outside spots that are a bit white. That is where
I got a bit too close. I went outside to spray the adhesive and it was a 
bit windy so getting an even spray was a bit hard. 

Okay, this is the head and our EPIC FAIL! I tell you we took sections apart 
and put them back together. You can see the tape. It was just one jumbled 
mess! I wanted to cry. The head is the first section that you fold and it is
definitely the HARDEST! If I had known that I could have put together the other 
sections, for the most part, I would have. I say I because my teenagers gave 
up with the chaos of the head. That left me to finish. 

You can see sections that have been put together. The legs 
were a bit of a challenge too. 

My embarrassing, poor, ugly fox. 

The head and legs look pretty pathetic. The tail and body
turned out pretty good. I was pretty embarrassed to photograph 
Mr. Fox and put it in this post. 

This is what the fox is supposed to look like. Isn't is beautiful. 
This is why I want to try again. 
Isn't he FOXY? 

This fox picture was taken from the Timberdoodle website. 

Here is a short video of the finished fox posted by Papercraft World.

Go check out the Fox 3D Papercraft Model. This would be
a great challenging activity for you child 12+. And if you have
a senior in high school and are looking for a full Curriculum check out 

"Goodbye said the fox. Here is my secret. It's quite simple:
One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything
essential is invisible to the eyes."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince

Disclaimer-The fox pictures in the top collage were taken from 

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