Saturday, September 10, 2022

My 52 Lists Project ~ Journaling Inspiration for Kids!


Over the summer my daughter had fun filling out some of the lists contained in My 52 Lists Project Journaling Inspiration for Kids! Whenever boxes come in the mail addressed to me all of my school age kiddos hold their breathe. Is it going to be schoolwork related or fun related? Who is it going to be for? Well, My 52 Lists Project is all about fun, dreaming, doodling, lots of space to write, and making the journal your own! Whatever you choose to add to your journal is fine. There are no right or wrong additions to the pages. You might have figured out by now that there are 52 lists and there are 52 weeks in a calendar year. You can choose to go in order and complete one list a week for an entire year. Maybe you want to flip through the lists to find the perfect list that speaks to you for that week. Maybe you just can not choose and so fill out several at a sitting. My daughter was at her cousins house and the two of them laughed and had so much fun filling out some of the lists together. Have fun! This Project Journal is part of Timberdoodle's 2022 Sixth-Grade Curriculum Kit. The target age group per the publisher is 8-12 years old. 

The lists have great prompts. Most of the time the child will be asked to make a list of something. There are also times when there are created lists such as, "Circle All of the Ways You Like to Play." Some of the options are: by myself, taking something apart to understand how it works, doing my own thing but being near my friends and family, and telling stories and listening to them. There is an empty page that says, "Draw Some Things in Your Favorite Color." 

In the back of the book is a sheet of fun stickers. 

List 23 says, "Don't Even Worry About Words This Week, Draw, Scribble, or Color How You Are Feeling Right Now. (Get As Messy As You Want - Even Tear Out and Crumple The Page if You Like!)"

List 33 says: "List What You Want Your Life To Be Like When You Are 
Twenty-Five Years Old. 

List 40: "List the Places You Would Like To Visit and Explore!"

List 12 ~ "List the Things That Make You Laugh."

List 11 ~ "List the Animals That Remind You of Each of These Feelings."

List 5 ~ "Circle the Ideas That Are Most Important To You."

All of the photography throughout the journal is colorful and vibrant. 
The photography is well suited for the target age group.

A parent resource that I stumbled upon as I was writing my review was 

Some children may need an adult to talk through various prompts to 
help find the words that convey their feeling and thoughts.
If your child struggles with completing or forgetting to do assigned tasks 
you as the parent my find it easy to pick a day for your child to work on
a project prompt. Working with peers is a great way to work through

Here are two examples to give you an idea of how the FREE The Grown-Up's Guide
which is in the salmon pinkish colored boxes read. The boxes with the
large print followed by the prompt is the 

With all of that said, maybe your child will not need the extra help. 
You may be able to hand them the journal and from time to time 
check up on their progress and ask if they would like to share any of the lists.
 Look at this beautiful Photograph! 

I think that My 52 Lists Project ~ Journaling Inspiration for Kids! is a great way for 
a wide age range to be creative, dream, and discover what is most important in their lives. 
The journal gives them space to be themselves. I would definitely recommend this 
journal for ALL CHILDREN. Even though the target age range is 8-12 years old my 
14 year old daughter has enjoyed working through the lists. I would love to see 
My 52 Lists Project come out with a journal specifically for teenagers. 


  1. This looks like a great resource! A wonderful way to encourage children to write.

  2. We just purchased this book with our Timberdoodle curriculum and my son loves it. He wants to work on it everyday. I didn't know there was a grown-up guide, thanks for that!


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