Monday, June 22, 2015

SmartKidz Media

I had the opportunity to review, SmartKidz Media Library for Homeschoolers, from SmartKidz Media. SmartKidz is a digital resource library for homeschoolers. They utilize Cloud technology to stream their videos in order to deliver quality media on any device at any time. Whether you are watching for pleasure or for educational purposes, SmartKidz Media has something for everyone in the family. 

The Family Media collection has the following:
  • World of Discovery
    1. Animals and Wildlife
    2. Action Sports
    3. Documentaries and Culture
    4. Health and Fitness
    5. History
    6. Lifestyle and Cuisine 
    7. Science
    8. Travel and Adventure
  • Music and Fine Arts
    1. Fine Arts
    2. Classical Music
    3. Cultural Music
    4. Jazz and Blues
    5. Relaxation
My 8th grader loves history and thoroughly enjoyed the section on history. He watched the six part series on, World War II as well as the videos on Mysteries of Ancient Times

The Reading and Learning Center was filled with the following:
  • Mighty eBook Collection
This collection is geared towards preschool age through around age eight. The collection of eBooks has story songs, read alongs, classics, animated eBooks, reading readiness, and Bible.
  • Baby Signs Program
This program is based off of the Baby Signs® Program. This collection teaches basic sign language to babies and young toddlers.
  • My Animal Family
This fun animal collection has video storybooks, fun fact books, and story songs. Your child can listen to animal song or hear books read to them about animals.
  • Quick Find Study Guides
This collection of study guides has resources for the student in Shakespeare's Language Arts, Newton's Math, Einstein's Science, and Ben Franklin's Social Studies.

  • Learning Special Needs
This amazing collection is for children who need a little extra help. The titles of these wonderful collections are Hear The Book and Interactive Books. They cover a wide variety of subjects which help to engage the child in areas of personal, social, and coping skills.
  • Ready Set Sing
This musical collection has over 200 sing-along songs.
  • Fun Zone
This collection contains games, puzzles,  jokes, and riddles.

How we used SmartKidz Media
My 8th, 6th, 3rd, and 1st graders used this site. There was definitely something for everyone to learn and enjoy. We are frequently on the go, and SmartKidz Media helps to fill in the gaps when taking schoolwork is not convenient. Whether my kids were watching for education or just for pleasure, I knew that what they were watching was beneficial. There were parts of the collection that we did not watch because they were not applicable or interesting to us, but it still left a lot of selection for the things we did like. 

My girls really enjoyed the Fun Zone!! My 1st grader liked Dress the Divas where she got to dress up girls. She had to look at a picture of them all dressed up and then had to redress them by remembering what they were all wearing. My 3rd and 6th graders liked the puzzles collection. On a puzzle selection called, Where in the World Are We, after putting the puzzle together, the child answers a geography question using the map they put together. 

As a parent, I was impressed by the, Quick Find Study Guides. There is great information in this section. Whether you need a quick grammar review or information on our presidents, you will find information on these subjects and so much more. 

For those times when I just needed a break, the Mighty eBook Collection was great. While one sibling entertained themselves, my 1st grader had fun listening to books being read to her. She is not quite at the stage of reading by herself without help, so this was a great alternative. 

My 3rd grader said,
"My favorite part of SmartKidz Media was the animal videos. I love animals." 
My 3rd grader adores animals, so the Animal and Wildlife section was by far her favorite. She is studying animal sciences this year, and these videos were the perfect way to supplement what was learned during the school year.  

Overall Thoughts
SmartKidz Media provides a great selection of entertainment and learning for the whole family. I would recommend this to fellow educators and homeschoolers seeking an online outlet for their children. 

To read more reviews click HERE.

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