Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Click-A-Brick is a fun new alternative to other popular building sets. While other building sets have only one way to attach two pieces together, the possibilities with Click-A-Brick are endless. Whether you are creating something using the directions given or using your imagination, you are sure to become hooked. The parts are easy to put together and take apart. The brick colors are vibrant. I was also impressed by how well made they are. 

Feather Friends ~ 30 piece set
Build a parrot, flamingo, kingfisher, toucan, and cockatiel!!

At first my 9 year old daughter was a bit frustrated with the directions
as she began building these little feathered friends. She, like most kiddos
are used to building with Legos which unless you are building a specific set
really doesn't take much thought. With a bit of patience 
she quickly began building all of the birds shown. Once
she got the hang of building she playing nonstop!! 

You are never too old to play with Click-A-Brick. Grandpa
had fun building these feathered friends. This is the perfect building brick 
to help keep your mind sharp. 

What I love about Click-A-Brick is that you definitely have to think as you are building. With other building sets you are simply putting one brick on top of another. These bricks must be positioned according to the set holes on each of the four sides. Even though the set only contains 30 bricks it is impressive the amount of items that can be created. The bricks are perfect for inquisitive, growing little minds!!!

I would definitely recommend Click-A-Bricks to my friends!! If you are looking for a fun and creative building set for your child, friend, or senior family member look no further. Teachers looking for center time or quiet time activities, these sets are perfect as they are small and do not require much space. WARNING: Click-A-Bricks are addictive and you may have to end up buying them all!!!!

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