Saturday, August 15, 2015

Just Another Saturday

When you have book worms for kiddos, Barnes and Noble is a very magical place.
We went all excited for the 30th Anniversary celebration of, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie,
book reading and activity time. We were all greatly disappointed when it did not happen.
Someone obviously dropped the ball and the celebration did not happen.  
Instead, the kiddos listened to a NORMAL story time. There was much disappointment. 
I guess we will have to have our own If You Give... Book™ Series Party!!!

Disappointment written on everyones faces.

Trying to get over their disappointment.

Phoebe is very excited about the RELEASE of this book!!

We cannot wait for the release of The Day the Crayons Came Home. We have 
already pre-ordered our copy on Amazon!!!

We decided to drown our sorrows at Yogurtland
Ice cream makes everything better, right?!

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