Sunday, September 25, 2016

Economics for Everybody ~ A Timberdoodle Review

Since 1985 Timberdoodle has been offering a unique compilation of curricula and resources for the homeschool community. I recently had the opportunity to review Economics for Everybody, which is part of the 12th Grade, 2016 Timberdoodle Curriculum Kit. This economics program contains a 250 page study guide and 2 DVD's. Your student can earn a 1/2 credit in Economics toward their high school graduation requirements. Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. truly takes the word BORING out of learning economics. He is an engaging and knowledgable instructor. The material is presented in a clear, easy to understand manner. Dr. Sproul's humorous applications will entertain your student while giving them a thorough understand of the subject. 

What exactly is economics? Economics is the study of how society organizes itself utilizing available resources to provide for the wants and needs of individuals. God is the creator and possessor of everything. God created man to be stewards of His creation for His glory. Economics is an important part of God's created order. Dr. Sproul says that the first and most basic principle of economics is that, "God owns everything." 

Dr. Sproul uses visuals, film clips, and cartoons to illustrate economics. With its bible based approach your student will learn what the bible says about economics. As Christians we have  to understand the role of economics in our world in order to be good stewards. Your student will learn the impact that sin has on the economy. Our view of God and man greatly affects our political views which in turn affects the economic world all around us. Being productive for the Lord requires us to understand economics. Dr. Sproul will explain the Chirstian worldview in contrast to the atheistic worldview and how they will lead to prosperity or poverty. Your student will learn how government redistribution leads to dependence on man instead of God. 

What will be covered in Economics for Everybody ~ Applying Biblical Principles To Work, Wealth, & The World.
  1. And God Created Economics: Stewardship in God's Image
  2. The Economic Problem of Sin: Law, Liberty and Government
  3. The Path from Work to Wealth: Production, Property and Tools
  4. The Route From Scarcity to Plenty: Money, Markets and Trade
  5. The Role of the Entrepreneur: Capital, Calculation and Profit
  6. A Tale of Two Theologies, Part 1: From God to Politics
  7. A Tale of Two Theologies, Part 2: Economic Philosophies and Systems
  8. Government Intervention: Basic Principles and Education
  9. The Two Mysteries of Monetary Policy: Inflation and Depressions
  10. The Welfare and Corporate States of America: The Cost of Redistribution
  11. Economics Has Consequences: The Real Effects of Sin
  12. Kingdom Economics 
The lessons build on each other to provide a solid, biblical foundation of economics. 

Each chapter has the following content:

  • Message Introduction
  • Scripture Reading
  • Learning Objectives
  • Quotations
  • Lecture Outline
  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer
  • Discussion
  • For Further Study 
The set-up of the study guide is excellent. Your student will not have to feverishly take notes because a lecture outline is provided. To ensure that your student is understanding the material multiple choice questions are included at the end of each lesson. Here is an example of a question from lesson 1. 

Economics is primarily a study of man's _________.
  1. Reason
  2. Nature
  3. Choices
  4. Money
The discussion questions are great for getting your student to think about their role in regards to economics. An example of a discussion question is:

If economics is 'man making choices as to how to best use his limited resources in order to be a good steward before God,' what are some specific ways you act economically in your particular calling? 

My 11th grade daughter is working through this program to help fulfill requirements for high school. She was NOT looking forward to taking economics. She has worked through the first four chapters and is actually enjoying it. She thought it was going to be boring but she said that Dr. Sproul makes learning economics very interesting and fun. 

My daughter said, "Before starting, Economics for Everybody, I really did not know why I needed to take a course in economics. After beginning this study I realized how important it is for me as a member of society and as a Christian to have an understanding of economics. Dr. Sproul made the experience both interesting and  fun."

I would highly recommend this course for not only students but for every Christian. I definitely learned a lot from Dr. Sproul. I am grateful for companies like Timberdoodle that bring quality curriculum to our next generation of leaders. 

I received this product in exchange for my honest review. 

Would you like to win Economics for Everybody? If so enter to win. I have one set to give away. This offer is only valid to those that live within the United States. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Arlene will be using this curriculum. :)

  2. Eventually, each of the boys will use this.

  3. What an awesome review. I am going to enter the contest. As you have me interested in reading this.


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