Friday, June 30, 2017

Hooked On Phonics Master Reader

Years ago I purchased the Hooked On Phonics Master Reader set and really never used it until now. I used the Hooked On Phonics with all six of my children when they were learning how to read along with Before The Code and Explode The Code. These along with Rod and Staff Phonics was a great bundle in order to get my kiddos reading very well. My sixth and last child who has some significant health issues and Sensory Processing Disorder has had a bit more of a struggle with reading. Part of it may also be that she is the last born, baby of the family and very laid back with regards to academics. She feels absolutely no need to excel or compete with anyone. Anyways, this is where the Master Reader set comes in. I know that she is more than capable of reading at grade level but the motivation just isn't there. I dusted of the set and about two months ago we began working through the program. Our set is at least ten years old if not older. The computer CD's that came with the set are not compatible with my computer so we are not using that part of the program. I have been pleasantly pleased with her progress with the program. She has confidence and is progressing at a great pace.

There are four levels to Master Reader. Each level has very interesting stories about topics such as animals, famous people, historical events, and topics of significant interest. After each level is complete your child will read a chapter book.

The chapter books are very interesting and definitely keep a child's attention. The stories are a series so it leaves off where the previous story ended.

I absolutely love this program. I love that the reading selections have meat to them and are not just silly, meaningless stories. Your child will actually gain a great deal of knowledge from what they read. The chapter books are great too. I would most definitely recommend this program to others. The program says that it is for 2nd through 6th grade.


  1. Reading and Learning Difficulties South Africa

    At A total Approach SA we help with Reading and Learning Difficulties in South Africa . The Learning Breakthrough Program™ It is a multi-sensory exercise program that has been used since 1982 to help people learn and perform better. It improves Brain fitness. Children and adults will read better, remember and learn more.

  2. Forbrain South Africa

    Forbrain South Africa is a user-friendly device that uses bone conduction and a series of dynamic filters to give the user feedback of his/her own voice. Forbrain is a universal tool that complements academic learning and boosts students' confidence in their reading, attention, and public speaking skills amongst many other things.


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