Friday, June 16, 2017

Making Memories With Mazie....

My first posting Mazie In The Making introduced Mazie and the beginning of our very special journey. Recently we got to experience two very special firsts with Mazie. About a week ago we were invited to share in Mazie's first lake experience. There are so many firsts with puppies and we were excited to be included in this first. I have been told that it is very important to expose future service dogs to as many experiences as possible. The earlier the better. A couple of days later we were surprised when Mazie came to our house for the first time!!! It was so fun watching her explore her future home. She got to play with some of the toys that we had so much fun purchased for her. Being able to bond with Mazie and seeing almost daily updates via Facebook and text on her progress is a privilege that most potential service dog recipients do not get the chance to experience. Mazie is loved by her foster family as well as ours. Mazie's journey is only beginning and I cannot wait to see it blossom in the months and years to come. She will eventually play a very important role in our family. Until then we will cheer her on. Daily I am grateful for the loving people in her life that are working tirelessly to train her to become all that she can be.

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