Thursday, June 8, 2017

Mazie in the Making....

Mazie was born on March 18, 2017. With the help of a service dog organization and some wonderful individuals Mazie will be trained to become a service dog for two of my daughters. Mazie came from Novacek's 84 Labradoodles. I plan on blogging about Mazie and her journey to become a service dog. Mazie left the Novacek's the beginning of June and she is currently at her temporary home being loved on and trained on a daily basis. A professional trainer meets with Mazie on a weekly basis. The foster family is working on potty training and basic puppy training skills. Our hope is that once trained Mazie will be able to detect low blood sugar and symptoms of Adrenal crisis. The perk that we have been afforded in this process is being a part of Mazie's life from the beginning. Most families do not get to meet their service dog until they are fully trained and ready to go to their forever home. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to get to know Mazie, bond with her, and watch her grow and learn.

This is a picture of Mazie with her full blooded sibling, Stella, from a litter last year. Stella's owners are the same family that Mazie is currently living with. 

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