Tuesday, October 16, 2018

St. Bartholomew's Eve ~ A Review

St. Bartholomew's Eve is the newest audio production from Heirloom Audio. These amazing audio dramatizations are designed specifically for children ages 6-16 but from personal experience are enjoyed by adults too. The two disc set has 2 1/2 hours of non-stop action adventure! G.A. Henty's stories are historically based and include Christian values and eternal truths. Children will be drawn into the stories by the engaging characters, the non-stop action, and the wonderfully told epic adventures of G.A. Henty.  

What is St. Bartholomew's Eve about? 

The story, St. Bartholomew's Eve, takes place during the Reformation of 1580. This is the period also know as the Huguenot Wars. Sir George finds Ned and Sebastian skipping church to do things more exciting for young boys. Sir George sits them down and shares with them the story of the Huguenot Wars and how they fiercely fought for their freedom to worship separate from the Catholic Church of England. 
It is 1567 and there is a war on religion. The French Protestants, Huguenot's, are fighting for their freedom to practice religion separate of the Roman Catholic Church. As a young boy Philip, the main character, dreams of growing up to fight for religious freedom. Philip remembers his father saying, "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body when one is persecuted all are persecuted." When Philip is finally old enough to go to battle to help fight for religious freedom he has a realization that he knows nothing of battle. He spends months studying battle tactics. Like David before he goes up against Goliath, Philip must also prepare himself to battle against his enemies. In the end he becomes a great soldier. During his many dangerous adventures Philip rides with the armies of the Prince of Conde, Admiral Coligny and other Huguenot leaders of France. Philip meets Protestant Prince Henri of Navarre. Philip says, "Who should we obey, the King of Kings or the King of France." As they are in battle Philip suggests that they take Orleans instead of Paris. This would confuse and distract their enemies. Like David defeating Goliat - with faith and wisdom, Philip did the same. They talk about the armor of God and the importance of it for battle. Common citizens fought. Catholics retreated...........

Philip and his cousin, François are honored for their bravery in battle. They spend a year recovering from battle injuries......Catherine de'Medici, Queen of France spread a rumor that the Huguenot's wanted to take over the royal court. I don't want to ruin the rest of the audio drama by giving away the whole story. 

My Thoughts

Like always, this audio drama did not disappoint. Our whole family enjoyed St. Bartholomew's Eve. I along with my 15, 12, and 10 year old listened to it. G.A. Henty was an amazing writer and Heirloom Audio does an amazing job at bringing his books to life in their audio dramas. I would most definitely recommend this as well as their other adventures based on G.A. Henty's books. Over the past couple of years I have had the privilege to review many of Heirloom Audio Adventures such as; The Cat of BubastesThe Dragon And The RavenWith Lee In VirginiaIn Freedom's CauseIn The Reign of TerrorBeric The BritonCaptain Bayley's Heir and Wulf the Saxon. Check them all out. 

To read more reviews click here.

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