Over the past weeks my two daughters have been working through the various subjects contained in IXL Learning by IXL. IXL Learning is an online learning tool designed to enhance your child's learning experience. There are lessons in Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. The material covers lessons for levels Pre-K through 12th grade. Your child will be able to explore over 7,500+ topics in the above areas of academics.
I started out this review with only my 5th grader working on IXL Learning. Over the course of the first week my 7th grader was constantly looking over the shoulder of her younger sister asking about what she was doing and asking if she could do it too. She was so disappointed and asked if there was a way to sign her up too. I messaged the program help and asked if I could add my daughter on for the review period. I got a quick response back. She was added on and my daughter was so excited! She spent over two hours the first day on IXL Learning. Both my 5th grader and my 7th grader have enjoyed working through the various subjects in IXL Learning. As a mother and educator this is very exciting when you find something that your kiddos like that is both educational and you don't have to beg your kiddos to work on. Score!!

Very quickly my daughters got quite competitive and set out to see who could spend more time and get the most rewards. Talk about some healthy competition. Neither of them saw IXL as boring or as schoolwork. Rather, they saw it more as a learning game, a challenge, a test of "what did they know" if that makes sense. They loved the freedom of being able to choose what subjects they worked on and then within each subject what topics they wanted to test their knowledge on.
Each subject and topic will start by telling the student what they will need to do in order to
earn a reward. In this case the student has to answer 4 questions in a row correctly.
This particular topic is the Properties in Science, 5th Grade.
If the student gets a problem incorrect the correct answer is highlighted and then
an explanation is given so that the student can understand the reasoning behind
the correct answer. I really liked this! Instead of the answer just being check marked wrong
and moving on the student actually gets a thorough understanding of what the correct
answer is and why. Awesome!!
As your child moves up in the stages of challenges on their way to earning a
reward/certificate, a timer is also keeping track of the time it is taking them
to complete each step. A counter is also keeping track of how many questions
it takes the student to answer the questions in the challenge, example: 4 correct
question in a row. It may take a student a total of answering 18 questions before they
correctly answer 4 question correctly in a row.
Each subject is broken down in subtopics.
My 5th grader has had no prior Spanish but thought she would try and
work through the beginning parts of the Spanish to learn some Spanish. Even
though the purpose of IXL is to test your knowledge of current subject matter and build
upon what you already know I thought why not. I was surprised at how quickly she
picked up on the basics of Spanish.
As a parent you will receive e-mails each time your student receives a certificate
or hits a significant milestone.
You will also receive e-mail recommendations for your student to try.
There is also an area called Diagnostic where the student can answer questions and
figure out what their diagnostic level is and then get recommendations as to
what they should work on and start with.
Within the program you will find a Certificate Center which is where
you will find a running list of all of your child's cumulative earned certificates.
You can view the certificates and also print them out.
For Language Art the kids are rewarded with really cool nesting dolls.
For Math students get to uncover what is under squares.
Under Analytics the parent can look to see in the last 30 days how many hours their child has spent in the program, how many questions they have answered, and how many skills they have mastered. There are several graphs that break down your students progress so that you can more easily see visually how they are doing. The parent is also able to click on each day that their student has logged in and worked and get examples of what they have worked on. The Analytics section is full of very useful information for the parent.
I would most definitely recommend IXL Learning to others. The program is simple to use and with its reward system students feel motivated to level up to get their next reward and certificate. With the over 7,500+ topics to choose from students have plenty of choices.
To read more reviews click here.
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