Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Bit Much

The book A Bit Much by Lyndsay Rush is a collection of poems intended for the everyday reader who might have never been interested in poetry before. Her poetry tackles some of life's most common experiences with humor. The poetry in this collection will speak to everyone in some way. The book will make you laugh from beginning to end.

There are four sections in the book.

Part I - When You Have a Crush on Everything and Everyone

Part II - When the Monster Turns Out to Be Three Dogs in a Trench Coat

Part III - When You Have Main Character Syndrome and Aren't Looking for a Cure

Part IV - When Someone Telling You to Relax Actually Works

With over 140 poems, the title is quite fitting as some of them are A Bit Much.
A journey into the world of words is undertaken in this book. Poems that motivate and inspire you to live life more lightly. A perfect pick-me-up after a long day.

I have listed a few poems that I found relatable and/or entertaining.

Frequent Crier
I Think My Parents Invented the Staycation
Best Friends
Crush Energy
You've Got Mail
Love Is What, Now?
Loving Each Otter
My Boyfriend Is From Alabama
Dawn Soap and a Toothbrush
Mortifying Every Poet Dead and Alive by Trying to Describe Love
Growing a Pair
Mermaid in America
Basically an Archaeologist

A Race Against the Guac

Society tells women
that we are avocados;
ripe for just the teensiest amount of time
Better make gaucamole while you can!
Then –– faster than you can say,
"Guac is extra" –– we're seen as
bruised, gray mush; too soft to be useful
But joke's on them:
we've been queso this whole time
And ask anyone
that shit never gets old

Ordering from the Kids' Menu
Cool as a Cucumber
A Little Bit Louder Now
Two Very Enthusiastic Thumbs Up
Cartwheeling Snakes May Be Trying to Bamboozle Predators

It's Amateur Hour Somewhere

Starting something new
is like a one-man show
for a one-man audience:
the only applause worth seeking
is your own
Don't rob yourself of that
while you wait for approval
from somewhere else
Sometimes winning yourself over
is the greatest show on earth

A Bit Much by Lindsay Rush is entertaining and witty. You won't be disappointed with this fun and lighthearted book of poetry. This is a book I would recommend.

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