Monday, June 24, 2024



Creaturepedia by Adrienne Barman is a book for children that breaks down animals by their characteristics. Throughout the book, you will find illustrations of each creature. Natural habitats are depicted for most creatures. The creatures' characteristics are discussed in some categories. Meet some noisy neighbors or The Pretty in Pinks. Fun and fascinating, this book is perfect for young children. This book has 216 pages.

The Architects
Weaver Ant - works with others to weave leaves together to make a nest. 
Red Ovenbird - builds a mud nest that looks like a wood-fired oven. 

The Big-Eared Beasts
Aye-Aye - finds food by tapping on trees, then using large ears to listen for grubs moving under the bark. 
Serval - uses long ears to listen for birds among tall grasses.

The Big Mouths
Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Howler Monkey

The Blue Beauties
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Blue Morpho Butterfly

The Bounders
Flea - can jump up to 200 times its body length.
Hare - jumps long diameters, can run at up to 23 mph.

The Brainboxes
Common Octopus - good memory, quick learner, uses tools. 

The Canary-Yellows
Banana Slug
Yellow Meadow Ant

The Champion Breath-Holders
Elephant Seal - 100 minutes. 
Hippopotamus - 5 minutes

The Coal-Blacks
Dung Beetle
Black Panther

The Endangered
Monkey-Eating Eagle 

The Emerald-Greens
Green Mamba
Emerald Tree Boa

The Faithful
Sea Horse

Our Family Friends

The Fierce
Tasmanian Devil
Goliath Tiger Fish

The Foresters
Grove Snail
Bohemian Waxwing

The Giants
Somali Ostrich - world's largest bird up to 9 feet tall.
Blue Whale - largest animal ever to have lived, up to 108 feet long. 

The Gladiators
Musk Ox
Cuban Tree Frog

The Homebodies
Oyster - lives with others on seabed forming an oyster reef. 
Hermann's Tortoise - strong homing instinct.

The Lilliputians
Bee Hummingbird - world's smallest bird, 2.2 inches long (male).
Pygmy Hippopotamus - 31 inches at shoulder. 

The Long-Necked
Mute Swan - can't dive, so uses neck to reach food on lakes and riverbeds. 
Purple Heron - extends long neck to catch fish. 

The Long-Tongued
Giant Anteater - tongue is 23 inches. 
Sun Bear - tongue is 10 inches. 

The Masters of Camouflage
Weedy Sea Dragon 
Sycamore Moth

The Mountaineers
Yak - thick hair, keeps it warm in snowy mountains.
Apollo Butterfly - lives in flowery meadows among mountain ranges.

The Munch-it-Uppers
Red Fox - silently stalks a victim, then pounces suddenly.
Montagu's Harrier - drops from the sky to catch prey by surprise. 

The Mythical

And there are 17 more categories...

In my opinion, this is a fantastic book that is also very suitable as a gift. 

Disclaimer - I received this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. 
As an Amazon affiliate I may earn commission if you click the link. 

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