Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Homeschool Thoughts

To me, one of the most fundamental things about homeschooling is to remember this truth: Education is not a preparation for life; rather education is life itself. Maintaining a strict schedule, grading every piece of work your child completes, and feeling the need to keep up with what others are doing can be very exhausting. We all experience life's ups and downs, and our children find their greatest learning and growth through those experiences. There is nothing wrong with scaling back a bit if necessary. Schoolwork won't disappear. Get your child a couple of great books and ask them to read them. It is at this point that children learn the principles of serving others and pitching in to make the house run easier. Education encompasses more than books, tests, and papers. These things are important, but a well-rounded child is one who knows how to adjust to life's challenges. I have also always felt that I am better equipped to deal with my children's hearts if I have them under foot during their learning years.

What do I look for in a curriculum? In looking at curriculum, I prioritize finding curriculum that meets the needs of each child individually. Over the years, I have realized that the beauty of homeschooling is not having a cookie cutter curriculum just passed down the line. It is important to recognize that every child has his or her own unique strengths, weaknesses, interests, passions, and learning styles. It is possible for one child to thrive but not be the right fit for the next and so on. It is important for me to reevaluate every year. It is always a priority for me to involve my children in the process. When they have a say in their learning process, they will be much more motivated to learn. The ability to customize is something I love. It is my experience that children do much better when they have curriculum that matches their strengths in each subject area. I am not a fan of one curriculum as it is too uniform.

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