Monday, November 28, 2016

Little Lads & Ladies of Virtue ~ A Review

Little Lads & Ladies of Virtue: Preschool & Early Elementary Character Curriculum
Kathie Morrissey
The Character Corner

Little Lads & Ladies of Virtue: Preschool & Early Elementary Character Curriculum is a downloadable e-book. There are 24 weeks of lessons, each week covering a different character trait. This e-book retails for $10.00. You also have the option to purchase the e-book with copywork as a bundle for $14.00.

Each week your child will learn a new character trait, such as contentment. There are five lessons for each trait, and each lesson takes approximately 5–10 minutes to cover. Here is how the curriculum works. On day 1, your child will be introduced to the character trait, its meaning, and a corresponding memory verse. A short prayer to recite with your child is included to end the lesson. On day 2, you will review the first day’s lesson and then teach your child the “I Wills,” followed by a prayer to close out the lesson. For example, with the character trait ‘contentment’, one of the “I Wills” is “I will be grateful.” On day 3, you will again review the prior day’s material and then teach a short lesson on how to apply the character trait. Lessons may include visuals, questions, or role-playing. Again, the day’s lesson ends with a prayer. On day 4, you will again begin the lesson by reviewing. Your child will then put into action what she has learned, using role-play, an activity, or by playing a game. The day’s lesson will again end with a simple prayer. Day 5 is a review and recite day. After reviewing all material for the week, your child will recite the character trait, its definition, the memory verse, and the “I Wills.” Reward badges are given after recitation. Optional copywork, coloring pages, and a reward chart are also available to supplement the core curriculum. The curriculum is geared for the first formative years but can be used at any age. The curriculum is extremely adaptable for both classroom or for a single child.

I absolutely loved this curriculum. I used it with my 8-year-old daughter. Since she is a bit older, we added a few extra supplemental items to each weekly lesson. The author, Kathie Morrissey, encourages the user to add in his or her own creative ideas or to adapt the lessons if desired. We all know that not every child learns the same way. Adding or adapting the curriculum is great advice. My daughter really liked the simplicity of the program and the fact that it did not take too much time to complete each day’s lesson. I really liked that the curriculum is biblically based.
The one aspect of the curriculum that I was a bit disappointed with was the coloring pages. The pictures were somewhat dull. I would have liked the coloring pages to be more original and appealing with sharper definition.

Here are a few examples of the curriculum. 

Overall, the content is excellent, and I would highly recommend this curriculum to others.

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