Monday, November 7, 2016

The Critical Thinking Co. ~ Language Smarts Level E ~ A Review

Language Smarts Level E  from The Critical Thinking Co. is just one of the many amazing curriculums or curriculum aids available for students from Pre-K -12th+. Available in both print and eBook form, Language Smarts Level E can be used as a complete curriculum or supplemental resource. The workbook is intended for a student in the 4th grade. This fun, colorful book requires no lesson prep.

Covered in this 400 page book are lesson in the following:

I used this workbook with my 3rd grader. With where she is at academically this was perfect. She was able to read and complete most all of the pages on her own without much help. This workbook was the perfect supplement to go along with her current curriculum.

Often times any curriculum that you choose to use has deficits. I really like to use more than one curriculum for language arts. Not only does it ensure that all areas are adequately covered but subject matter is taught from a different angle. Working through this book I was able too see areas that my daughter needed extra work on.

The Critical Thinking Co. does a great job of making students think through the material in order to get answers. For example, in the Reading Comprehension section after reading a page and a half fictional story the students is asked,

How do you know this story is realistic fiction?

  1. The characters are famous.
  2. The story is about a family.
  3. The events that take place could happen.
  4. There's a beginning, a middle, and an end.
In the Sentences section the student learns about complete thoughts. The student is given groups of words and they then have to decide if a subject or a predicate is needed to make a complete sentence. Then they have to write a complete sentence. An example,

the talented violinist 

In the Poem section students will learn that poems express ideas, feelings, and emotions through the sound, rhythm, and means of words. They will see that poems tell a story, relate an experience, or express an idea. In one lesson students are introduced to limericks. They are given two short limericks, one by Edward Lear and the other by Author Unknown. After reading both limericks they are asked to explain what the poets exaggerated in their poems.

Overall, I would say that this book is definitely something I would recommend to parents and educators. The Critical Thinking Co. has other levels available in their Language Smarts series.

Here are some of my other Critical Thinking Co. reviews.
World History Detectives Book I
Understanding Algebra I
US History Detectives
Practical Critical Thinking

To read more reviews click here.

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