Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blue Orange ~ Hot Games Cool Planet

Several months ago my children were given a game from Blue Orange Games, called Spot It!. Our family immediately fell in love with the game.

This fast action game is perfect for the whole family. The object of the game is to match pictures between any two cards. To start the game every player is given one round card. All of the other cards are put in a stack. One at a time the middle stack of cards are turned over and the first person to spot a picture that they have on their card gets the card. A match example above demonstrates how it works. The pictures will always be the same color and have the same look but they may be larger or smaller in size. The person with the most cards at the end is the winner. You can also hand out cards and put one card in the middle and the first person to get rid of all of their cards is the winner!! This game is perfect for the younger child beginning to play matching games and for adults to see who has the fastest reflexes. 

There are many different versions of the game such as:
  • number and shapes
  • animals
  • alphabet
  • sports
  • holidays
  • Disney
My 7 year old daughter absolutely loves Sophia the First. When she saw that there was a Sophia version of the game she went crazy.

Blue Orange has many more products available, both online and in stores. To see more of their products click here to look through their catalog.

I would highly recommend Blue Orange games.

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