Monday, July 20, 2015

Growing up

As a homeschool family you educate, disciple, and encourage your children in the hopes that the fruits of your labor shine through your children. Our oldest child just turned nineteen. She has grown into an amazing, godly young woman. She has completed her first year of college and has had some amazing doors of opportunity open to her. She is currently in Guatemala, on a 10 day mission trip ministering at a girls home. All of the girls are victims of sexual abuse. I know that she will come home changed. Yes, she will have a personal impact on these girls, but more importantly, those girls will have an impact on her. They will teach her as much as she teaches them. For the rest of her life this 10 days will be a part of her LIFE EXPERIENCE.

I want to encourage those that may be struggling on their journey, both with homeschooling and parenting. You truly have the hardest job in the world. You will make mistakes. You will at times feel like a failure. You will at time feel inadequate. You will have trials along the way. You will feel unappreciated. The journey is a tough one but YOU CAN DO IT!! The rewards of seeing your children grow and experience the many amazing opportunities that open up in their lives is pure joy to a mama's heart. 

The beauty of Guatemala

Joy is watching your adult children find their passion in life!!! One of the beauties of homeschooling is letting your child, early on, cultivate their talents, passions and desires. For our oldest, that is dance. Nothing makes our daughter happier than dancing and sharing the love of dance. She began assisting in teaching dance in high school. While most kids were in school she had the unique opportunity to assist in dance classes during the week. She was able to arrange she studies around teaching. She now teaches dance classes of her own. 

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