Monday, February 20, 2017

Home School in the Woods ~ A Review

My grade school kiddos had the opportunity to work through HISTORY Through the Ages Project Passport World History Study: Renaissance & Reformation from Home School in the Woods. This hands-on project and activity history study includes 25 stops where your child will learn about the era of study selected. The target grades for these studies are 3rd-8th grade. These World History Studies can be purchased via download for $33.95 or on CD for $34.95. 

My 3rd and 5th grade kiddos enjoyed learning about inventions, art, music, event, people and so much more while studying the Renaissance & Reformation. Some of the fun ways that your child will learn about the era of study are through:
  • reading
  • videos
  • music
  • art projects
  • hands-on activities
  • cooking and baking
  • making timelines 
For more in depth information on the Renaissance & Reformation Study you can read the full Scope and Sequence. I will mention that you will need access to a good color printer. You will be printing out a LARGE amount of pages which include text, projects, and colored pictures and graphics.

Along the way your child will visit Renaissance Italy and Florence. They will be exposed to famous artists of the era such as Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Raffaello. They will learn about historical figures such as Martin Luther, John Cabot, John Wycliffe, and Henry the VIII. Students will be introduced to composers of the time such as Giovanni. 

Students will explore:
  • Everyday Life in the Renaissance
  • History of Renaissance Art & Music
  • Literature and Drama of the Renaissance
  • Scientific Inventions and Exploration during the Renaissance
  • Religion of the Renaissance
  • Language
  • Geography

Each stop has a written text to accompany what will be learned during the stop. This text gives the student an overview and important detail. For instance, on Stop 2, students are introduced to Italian City-States and how this replaced feudalism. They will be introduced to Leonadro da Vinci. Did you know that da Vinci was more than an artist? He was a draftsman, sculptor, architect, scientist, mathematician, cartographer, inventor, and engineer. He was dubbed the "Renaissance Man" because the spirit of the Renaissance was evident in much of what he accomplished during his life.

Home School in the Woods does a fabulous job at laying out each and every detail to make teaching and learning fun. There are extra resources available to aid in getting the most out of the study. A list of supplies is included. 

Included on each Travel Itinerary are icons that will tell you what kind of projects or activities you will be doing.

Both of my kiddos loved this Project Passport Study. Neither of them have really been interested in learning history. Well, that was until they started this. They both loved making the lapbooks. They enjoyed trying their hand at painting. I was quite surprised by how much they took away from this study. Many times throughout our stops they wanted to learn more about certain people or events. We purchased some great books and visited some interesting websites to learn more. 

My 3rd grader said, "I liked that this was not boring history. I learned so much about people like Michelangelo, King Henry, and why this time in history was so important. I really like making lapbooks. It was fun painting too."

My 5th grader said, "If I have to learn history this is most definitely how I want to learn it. I find the Renaissance to be fascinating. I learned so much and it was actually a lot of fun. I liked all of the hands on activities. My dad was very surprised at the things that I was learning and telling him about. I would have liked to have worked on this every day but my mom didn't have the time to let me do it everyday. I give this curriculum 5 stars." 

Home School in the Woods newest Project Passport Study is Ancient Greece. Coming in 2018 will be  a Study on Ancient Rome.

Overall, I really enjoyed this curriculum. It definitely isn't for everyone. It is more time consuming that your traditional textbook/workbook way of learning. With that said, it is worth the extra time that a hands-on curriculum requires. At the end of this study your students will have a wonderful working knowledge of the Renaissance & Reformation. I had such a fun time teaching my kiddos. I would highly recommend it to other educators and homeschoolers. The price is very affordable which is a plus. 

To read more reviews click here.

Here is a great overview video that explains how the Project Passport Studies work. For those visual learners this may be good to watch.

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