Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Times Tables The Fun Way ~ A Review

My 3rd grader had the opportunity to work on her multiplication facts using Times Alive from Times Tables the Fun Way. Using online lessons with animated songs and stories to learn times tables the fun way your child will be on their way to mastering their multiplication facts. Times Alive is an animated, online digital program for both MAC and PC that is purchased on a monthly subscription basis. 

Through live stories, coloring, music, games, and quizzes your child can tackle the DREADED multiplication facts without time and tears. This program teaches the 0-9 multiplication facts. Times Alive tracks your students progress. Your child will start by taking the Pre-Test Nuts and Bolts in order to see exactly where your child is at in their multiplication memorization process. 

The Times Alive Lesson List breaks down each lesson and lets you and your student know what type of learning will be utilized such as a movie, song, painting, quiz, or test. At any time along the way you can click on the red Student Progress Report to see how your child is doing. 

 Times Alive truly makes learning multiplication facts fun!! Your child will be engaged all along the way. My daughter actually forgot that she was working to learn. The songs and stories truly stick in their minds and help them recall their facts. Activities reinforce using fun and engaging activities. 

My daughter said, "I really do not like math. It is my hardest subject. Learning my multiplication facts with Times Alive has been fun. The songs and stories really do help your remember. My favorite part was the stories and coloring."

Overall, I would say that this program is brilliant. Learning does not have to be boring and stale. I am sure that we can all remember back to when we were learning our multiplication facts. I know I can. It was full of tears, anxiety, flashcards, and lots of quizzes. Times Tables The Fun Way brings joy to learning. 

To read more reviews click HERE

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