Saturday, August 20, 2016


I have used Before the Code, Explode the Code, and Beyond the Code with all six of my children. I absolutely adore the curriculum. As I was getting ready to start our new school year, I realized that I was missing the consumable Spelling workbook to go along with our current 3rd grade curriculum. I had the teacher's book that I used with my other children. I headed to Mardel but they didn't carry it. As I perused the Spelling curriculums available I came across Spellwell. I realized that it was from the same publisher as Explode the Code. I loved what I saw and decided to try it out. So far my daughter is on lesson 3 and I really like it, and so does she.

The beauty of homeschooling is about exploring. It is so very easy to get "set in our ways" with curriculums that we know and love. The only problem with that is sometimes we miss out on the many other great curriculums out there. No curriculum is perfect. I encourage you to expand your childrens educational experience by exploring new and different curriculums. You never know, maybe you will find a new love.

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