Wednesday, January 11, 2017

As Christmas Break Comes To An End....

I decided to take three weeks off over Christmas this year. Normally I try to only take two but due to  health related issues with some of my kiddos I decided that I would make life a bit easier and just take a bit more time off. I had great intentions to organize the homeschool clutter and catch up on  the not so fun teacher related stuff. I really did think about it. To be honest I just needed a BREAK away from everything homeschool related. I enjoyed much needed down time, naps, relaxing, reading, time with family, and sleeping in.

This week we started back with schoolwork and co-op classes. It is never easy getting back into the rhythm of things but we are trying.

Working on one of the many 1000 piece puzzles that we got for Christmas. 

Enjoying a movie with my daughter before the craziness begins. 

Snow in Texas is rare. We get a dusting of snow and everything turns to chaos. 
It was a great way to end Christmas Break. 

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