Thursday, January 19, 2017

What's For Dinner?

Like many of you I often struggle to figure out what to cook for dinner. Sometimes it seems like all I do is rotate the same meals time and again. When life is crazy my poor family has to resort to eating convenience foods. Not my first choice, nor is it my family's, but sometimes it is inventible. I decided to start posting some of meals that I cook in order to share with you a possible meal option for your family. Nothing fancy, just easy, simple made from scratch meals. Tonight as dinner was nearing I literally had no clue what I was going to make. I opening the fridge, looked around and hoping for some inspiration. I am not a big fan on following recipes or measuring out ingredients. Rather, I am kind of a throw it in the pot kind of girl. So here is what was for dinner. Though I cannot give exact amounts I will share with you what I put in this dish.

2 bell peppers
1 large onion
1 heaping teaspoon of minced garlic
3 multi-colored carrots
I chopped this all up and put in the skillet with some Safflower Oil and salt. 
I let this saute for a bit. 
I then added,
4 bratwurst chopped up.
Once the veggies were fully cooked and the bratwurst browned I added potato.
I had 3 medium sized baked potatoes from last nights dinner.
I sliced them up and set them in the center of the pan to brown up
and soak up the flavor.

Dinner is served!


  1. hey....that's just my kind of throw it together meal. :)

  2. I make something similar but I like your twist. Easy peasy is the way to go!


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