Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ARTistic Pursuits Inc.

Reviewing Sculpture Technique Construct by ARTistic Pursuits Inc. was so much fun! Sculpture Technique Construct is suggested for ages 11-18 and gives the student a unique introduction to the world of sculpting. This book is intended to be used as a full year course. Not only will the student create art, but they will also be introduced to Contemporary Art by working artists. The unique features of this book requires the student to be self-regulated and guided by independent thinking. I have reviewed ARTistic Pursuits Inc. curricula in the past, and like my prior experiences I was not disappointed!! This book is new to the ARTistic Pursuits Inc. line of curriculum.

Using paper, cardboard, discarded plastics, newspaper, and wire your student will learn to create sculptures. ARTistic Pursuits Inc. come along side the student to teach technique with the ultimate goal of the student expressing themselves through original works of their own.

"Are there times when you get the urge to make something with your hands?"

There are four units in this book which include:
  1. Creating Form in Paper-making
  2. Creating Planes in Cardboard
  3. Creating Motion with Papier-mâché 
  4. Creating Volume with Wire
For each unit there is a list of art supplies that are needed.

At the end of each unit there is an evaluation for the student to reflect on their accomplishments. Each evaluation is broken down into three categories:
  1. Understanding the Elements of Sculpture
  2. Understanding Art and Craft
  3. Understanding Craftsmanship
Unit 1 includes four projects.

Unit 2 includes three projects.

Unit 3 includes two projects.

Unit 4 includes three projects.

Each project outlined in the book have detailed steps and explanations in order for the student to achieve success. The student is not merely learning basic art technique. Rather, they are learning more detailed concepts and techniques. For instance:
  • Volumes may have negative and positive spaces. Positive spaces refer to the sculpture. Negative spaces refer to the air around it. 
  • The student will learn about the hardness, malleability, rigidity, gauge, and types of wire used to create different sculptures.
  • An important aspect of creating 3-dimensional art is to have a clear understanding of how planes can be arranged to create new spaces. 


We decided to try and make our own paper using different colored construction paper. I did not have the Grummer's Dip Handmold, which includes frames and screens. We improvised and used a strainer and other household items in its place. These are the steps that we took for making our paper:
  1. shred paper
  2. placed paper and water in our blender
  3. scoop out the pulp with hands and place into a strainer
  4. strain out most of the water leaving damp pulp
  5. using our hands we spread it out onto a cookie sheet
  6. we then let the pulp dry in the sun
  7. RESULT ~ multicolored paper!!

Our paper turned out kind of thick. I assumed this would be the case since we were using construction paper. We had a lot of fun making our own paper. In the future we will try using a different type of paper. 


My 13 year old and I had so much fun making this garden model. We used scrapbooking paper that had various textures. For the base we used plain cardboard. Though it was not even close to being as detailed as the project in the book we were pretty proud of our garden.


My daughter, who is 16, created this beautiful masterpiece. Her 13 year old sister helped with the beading. My 16 year old daughter is a naturally gifted artist and decided to create this tree. For the base she used a crystal. After a lot of twisting and wrapping this tree was born. This was the first time that my daughter has worked with wire. I think she is hooked.

My daughter found a beautiful piece of petrified wood and decided that she needed to create another wire tree. Isn't it beautiful!!

Each student is their own master, creator, and sculptor!

To see the full line of art curricula by ARTistic Pursuits Inc. click here. By scrolling to the bottom of this page you can see how your student can receive 1 credit towards graduation. You will find a course description as well as what is expected in order to receive an elective credit in the Visual Arts.

My 16 year old daughter has decided to use Sculpture Technique Construct in its entirety as one of her electives for graduation. I am anxious to see what she will be creating over the next months. Thank you ARTistic Pursuits Inc. for bringing the artistic world of three-dimensions into our homeschool adventure.

I do not want to end this review without sharing the pure joy I experienced watching my older daughter take her younger sister under her wings to share her love of art. Who knows, with the help of ARTistic Pursuits Inc., I may have a second budding artist in the making.

To read more reviews click HERE.

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