Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Sensory Processing Disorder

Living with SPD is difficult for the affected individual as well as those around them. What exactly is SPD? In simple terms it is when the brain has trouble receiving information from the senses. This site is a wonderful tool to navigate the basics of what Sensory Processing Disorder or Sensory Integration Dysfunction, whichever term you want to use. 

Does your child have difficulty with:

  • change
  • clothing
  • texture
  • smells
  • sounds
  • food aversions
  • calming themselves
  • getting messy
  • crowds/chaos
  • sitting still
  • feeling settled
My 7 year old struggles with many of the above. As we get back into our normal school routine she is using some basic sensory friendly tools to help her focus:

Bouncy Bands

Sensory Seat

Chewy Necklace


  1. Sensory Processing South Africa

    Sensory Processing South Africa is the process that organizes sensation from one's own body and the environment, thus making it possible to use the body effectively within the environment. Examples are: Screaming if their faces get wet, throwing tantrums when you try to get them dressed, having an unusually high or low pain threshold.

  2. Forbrain South Africa

    Forbrain South Africa is a user-friendly device that uses bone conduction and a series of dynamic filters to give the user feedback of his/her own voice. Forbrain is a universal tool that complements academic learning and boosts students' confidence in their reading, attention, and public speaking skills amongst many other things.


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